Systematic Internaliser (AKIS)
Liquidity at highly competitive prices
The bond trading platform dedicated to institutional investors.
The Banca Akros systematic internaliser, AKIS, is the platform we offer to our customers, providing continuous management of buy and sell trading proposals with prices updated in real time.
It is dedicated to institutional investors, classified for MiFID purposes as professional customers and eligible counterparties, including commercial banks active with retail customers. Access to the retail platform is managed by institutional investors.
Market making ensures efficiency and validity of prices.
Our sales force starts the trading process by contacting the customer via chat or telephone.
Quotes are always visible in real time on the trading platforms.
Our customers can use the AKIS platform from Monday to Friday, from 9:00 to 17:30. The opening calendar is decided year by year, also taking the Italian bond markets into account, and made public through the websites of the banks of the Banco BPM Group.
Access is gained:
The activity is carried out in two ways:
Our automated Best Execution system that compares the best available bond execution venues.
We trade and manage a wide range of equity derivatives on regulated and OTC markets.