Flexible investment solutions that can be customized according to the investor's preferences
Structuring and issuing of Certificates suitable for different investment profiles
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This website, and everything contained herein, is prepared and made available by Banca Akros SpA (Banca Akros), registered in the Register of Banks at No. 5328 and authorised by the Bank of Italy to carry out banking activities. This website is intended to provide information about the movement of financial markets and specific financial instruments issued and/or placed by Banca Akros, or by other companies belonging to Banco BPM Banking Group, and is not intended in any way as a means of offering to sell or purchase financial instruments, or as a means of offering to the public or making investment recommendations under current laws and regulations. All the information contained on this website is based on data and information in the public domain, which Banca Akros deems reliable. However, its accuracy and completeness cannot be guaranteed. Therefore, Banca Akros shall not assume any liability for the information contained on this website or for any harm resulting from its use. The described financial instruments may have a high level of complexity and risk. Therefore, exclusive reference should be made to the Prospectus (available pursuant to law) published by the issuer to find complete information about the issuer itself and the nature of the financial investments contained on the website. Anyone wishing to invest in these instruments should first acquire all the necessary information and data to assess the relevant risk properly. Placement is subject to an assessment of appropriateness or adequacy established by current regulations. Past performance is no guarantee of future results from the same investments.