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Debt Capital Market

Visual news Italgas

Italgas successfully placed a new dual tranche bond with a total nominal value of € 1 billion. Banca Akros acted as Joint-Bookrunner

On Thursday 27 February 2025 Italgas S.p.A. marked its return to the primary bond market with a fixed rate bond divided into two tranches, with maturities of 5 and 9 years, for an amount of € 500 million each.
Visual news Enel

ENEL successfully placed a new € 2 billion SLB triple tranche bond. Banca Akros acted as Joint-Bookrunner

On Monday 17th February 2025 Enel Finance International (financing company belonging to the Enel Group) came back to the market with a Eur 2bn SLB Triple Tranche bond: - Eur 750mn, 3y, coupon 2.625% - Eur 750mn, 6y, coupon 3.000% - Eur 500mn, 11y, coupon 3.500%
Visual news Btp piu

BTP Più – First issue

Banca Akros is Co-dealer for the first issue of BTP Più, the first government bond dedicated to retail savers with the option of early repayment of capital after 4 years.
Visual news Terna

Terna launched a new € 750 million green bond with maturity February 2032. Banca Akros acted as Joint-Bookrunner.

On Monday 10 February 2025 Terna S.p.A. – Rete Elettrica Nazionale (“Terna”) successfully placed a new Eur 750 million 7 years fixed rate green bond. The proceeds of the issue will be applied by the Issuer, in accordance with its Green Bond Framework, to finance Eligible Green Projects.
Visual news aspi

Autostrade per l’Italia successfully tapped the € 1bn dual tranche Sustainability Linked Bond. Banca Akros acted as Joint-Bookrunner

On Thursday 23 January Autostrade per l’Italia (ASPI) marked its return to the primary bond market with a € 500mn TAP of the existing € 1bn dual tranche SLB issued in February 2024.
Visual news Eni

Eni S.p.A. ("Eni") today successfully launched a new hybrid dual tranche bond with a total nominal value of 1.5 billion euros. Banca Akros acted as Joint-Bookrunner.

On Tuesday 14 January 2025 ENI S.p.A. priced a new dual Tranche hybrid transaction addressed to institutional and professional investors only. The proceeds of the issue will be used for general corporate purposes and to finance the Tender Offer on the outstanding Eur 1.5bn coupon 2.625% hybrid bond with a first call date in October 2025.