Equity Europa (ESN)
European Domestic Expertise in Equity Research
In a strong multi-local partnership covering 370 listed companies in Europe.
As a multi-local partnership between leading investment banks and independent financial intermediaries, our ESN, European Securities Network, is able to add “local flavour” to the service offered by research team analysts and sales force.
A multi-local service offered by professionals with strong “domestic expertise“, which is the ability to know your local market inside out. Analysts and sales staff reside in their home countries and can benefit from direct knowledge of both listed companies in their home markets and the economic, political and social dynamics of their countries.
Despite the independence and autonomy of each of the ESN partners, there is a significant central coordination and each member respects common rules.
The top management of each partner company is personally involved in supporting the strategy and development of ESN and strengthening its visibility and credibility.
We operate through a unique multi-local team of analysts, sales, and sales-traders who are constantly updated on news and financial markets, and in contact with listed companies, to provide institutional and professional customers with immediate support for their investment or divestment decisions.
Equity Research at a European level:
The approach
A standardised approach among partners working in financial analysis has been made possible by the adoption of:
All ESN research is available on the ESN Research Portal (www.esnpartnership.eu), Bloomberg, Refinitv, S&P Capital IQ and FactSet.
Other forms of cooperation and exchange of information have been developed between ESN members over the years in order to strengthen their presence in the following markets:
We provide our clients, Financial Institutions and Corporates, listed and unlisted, with access to the Italian stock market and international stock markets.
Our research team produces “sponsored” studies on around 30 listed companies.