Fixed Income Best Execution Engine (SABE)
Higher system performance
The best and automatic execution of orders on bonds.
Created in 2007 from an innovative and proprietary project, SABE is our automated dynamic Best Execution system for bonds, which competes with the best available execution venues belonging to all the categories envisaged by the MiFID II Directive and MiFIR Regulation (regulated markets, MTFs with order book or request for quote structure and carefully selected OTFs).
The system is activated after receiving the customer’s order by automatically proceeding at the execution venue with the best price conditions.
It competes with the best available execution venues taking into account their different characteristics. In addition, each step is automatically filed for subsequent, so checks can be made afterwards to see that the order has been correctly executed in line with the signed policy and the general conditions of the markets.
Automatic access to all the best execution venues for trading ETFs, ETPs, ETCs and ETNs.