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ESG: news and insight

Visual news Italgas

Italgas successfully placed a new dual tranche bond with a total nominal value of € 1 billion. Banca Akros acted as Joint-Bookrunner

On Thursday 27 February 2025 Italgas S.p.A. marked its return to the primary bond market with a fixed rate bond divided into two tranches, with maturities of 5 and 9 years, for an amount of € 500 million each.
Visual news Enel

ENEL successfully placed a new € 2 billion SLB triple tranche bond. Banca Akros acted as Joint-Bookrunner

On Monday 17th February 2025 Enel Finance International (financing company belonging to the Enel Group) came back to the market with a Eur 2bn SLB Triple Tranche bond: - Eur 750mn, 3y, coupon 2.625% - Eur 750mn, 6y, coupon 3.000% - Eur 500mn, 11y, coupon 3.500%
Visual news Terna

Terna launched a new € 750 million green bond with maturity February 2032. Banca Akros acted as Joint-Bookrunner.

On Monday 10 February 2025 Terna S.p.A. – Rete Elettrica Nazionale (“Terna”) successfully placed a new Eur 750 million 7 years fixed rate green bond. The proceeds of the issue will be applied by the Issuer, in accordance with its Green Bond Framework, to finance Eligible Green Projects.