The selection of the most important news related to Banca Akros, subdivided by areas of activity in the corporate and institutional fields.
Calligaris Group acquires Luceplan from Signify
Calligaris Group, Italy's leading manufacturer of high-end chairs, tables, sofas, beds and furniture with an Italian design, has signed a binding agreement with Signify (LIGHT:AMS), the Dutch listed company ex-Philips Lighting, to acquire Luceplan, a high-end lighting company.
New Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Bond
The Total Nominal Value of the Offer has been increased to a maximum total amount of €1,500,000,000.
New Transaction of Banca Akros' NPL Multiseller Programme
The following is a brief description of the "Project Multiseller NPL 2018" transaction, which was successfully concluded in December 2018. Banca Akros acted as Arranger of the transaction.
Equinox participates in the share capital of Manifattura Valcismon
Manifattura Valcismon, a leading company in the technical sportswear sector owned by the Cremonese family, has signed an agreement with the Equinox fund to enter the Group with a minority stake of 40%
F.I.L.A. Share Capital Increase
The following is a brief description of the F.I.L.A. Share Capital Increase, which was successfully concluded for an amount of €100 million.
Listing of Aedes SIIQ
The following is a brief description of the successfully completed listing of Aedes SIIQ, whose first day of trading will be 28 December 2018.