The selection of the most important news related to Banca Akros, subdivided by areas of activity in the corporate and institutional fields.
Calzaturificio Taccetti joins Gruppo Florence
Banca Akros acted as financial advisor for Gruppo Florence
INVITALIA S.p.A. ha lanciato un social bond da € 350 milioni 5,25% con scadenza novembre 2025
Banca Akros ha agito in qualità di Joint-Bookrunner
New 6-years BTP Italia
Banca Akros co-dealer in the new inflation linked BTP, conceived for individual investors.
Banca Akros guests at the Webinar of Certificati & Derivati on the theme of Investment Certificates
The first webinar of Certificati & Derivati dedicated to the issues of Banca Akros in which Pierpaolo Scandurra, Alberto Amiotti and Alessandro Galli explain the functioning of the new issues of Certificates and how to select the instrument that best suits one's investment needs using the Capital Protected and Conditionally Protected Certificates has.
Banca Akros Certificates on “Investire-Certificati”: the interviews
Just 3 months after its entry into the world of direct listing, Banca Akros has managed to innovate the range of products on the market with a new feature that rewards investors: the Accelerator Coupon.
Akros Certificate: from the Memory Effect to the Accelerator Coupon: the booster dose for Certificates
In this educational video organized by WeBank we will evaluate with Alberto Amiotti, Alessandro Galli (Banca Akros) and Pierpaolo Scandurra (CEO Certificati & Derivati), the advantages of investing in Certificates even in market phases characterized by high volatility and testing the expiry protection mechanisms present in the Certificates.