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MCC launched a new € 400 million Social Bond 3,75% due September 2029

Banca Akros acted as Joint-Bookrunner.

On Friday 13 September 2024 MCC marked its return to the primary bond market with its second Social Bond, after two years hiatus.

The notes, addressed to institutional and professional investors only, will pay a coupon of 3,75% with a 5 years maturity. The re-offer yield at the issue price of 99,678% is 3,822%. The net proceeds will be allocated to support the economic and social environment in Southern Italy, financing a sustainable growth with a market approach.

The deal showed a good support from the investors and, backed by a robust order book which reached 2x of the offer, gave to the Issuer the opportunity to increase the size from € 300 mln to € 400 mln. Good and diversified demand came from foreign investors (over 20%).

The bond will be listed on the Luxembourg Stock Exchange.

The rating of the Notes is expected in line with the Issuer’s rating released from S&P and DBRS, BBB- and BBB.

The deal has been followed by the Debt Capital Market team, led by Giada Sonego joined by Maria Grazia Garraffo and Fabrizio Ippolito.

Debt Capital Markets

On Tuesday 25th June 2024, Pirelli successfully launched a new fixed rate bond with a size of €600 mn and maturity of 5 years. This Sustainability-Linked Bond will pay an annual coupon of 3.875%.

The Note yield it is linked to specific sustainability targets upon the occurrence of one or both the Step-up Events 1) scope 1&2 GHG emission reduction of 62% by 2027 (vs 2018), 2) scope 3 GHG emission reduction of 28% by 2027 (vs 2018). The bond envisages a 25bps Step-up (for a maximum cumulative premium of 50bps).

The issue will be rated BBB- both by S&P and Fitch.
Pirelli made its return to the bond market after about 18 months hiatus. The Company decided to launch the deal after a one-day marketing activity where the management had the chance to meet more than 30 investors. The notes, addressed to institutional and professional investors only, received a favorable market feedback (ca. 4.3x oversubscription) with Italian and UK & Ireland accounts being the most involved (26% and 21% respectively). While in terms of Investors type, the largest part of the allocations went to Fund Managers (69%).

Banca Akros acted as Joint Bookrunner.

Banca Akros
Debt Capital Markets

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