Congresses, conferences and industry events, organised to create opportunities for discussion and education with customers and investors.
TOL Summit 2021 - 20 October 2021
Banca Akros is attending as a Premium Sponsor at TOL Summit 2021 of Borsa Italiana, the main educational event dedicated to the trading and investment industry.
Banca Akros at the Assosim event
Banca Akros attended the Assosim event: "Dalla legge sulle SIM alle prossime revisioni del quadro normativo europeo - 30 anni di regolamentazione finanziaria"
Banca Akros co-organizing broker of the Italian Equity Week, 7-9 september 2021
Borsa Italiana will organize The Italian Equity Week from 7th to 9th September 2021.
Italian Sustainability Week, Milan – 2021
Borsa Italiana, together with the support of the Sustainable Finance Partnership Network, organised the second edition of Italian Sustainability Week.
The Challenge of Sustainable Growth – Ideas and Capital to Create Value
The meeting took place on 10 June 2021 and involved important guests called to discuss the theme of Sustainable Growth: tools and ideas to create value for businesses by looking at sustainability as a great new opportunity for development and innovation.