Banca Akros participates in the “PiùBorsa” project

A system project for the development of the stock market
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PiuBorsa’ project webpage activated
Banca Akros is joining “Più Borsa”, a project created by Consob, Abi, Aifi, Assirevi, Assogestioni, Assosim, Borsa Italiana, Confindustria, Fondo Italiano d’Investimento and Fondo Strategico Italiano by signing a memorandum of understanding containing commitments and measures aimed at promoting a common line of action for the development of the national securities market.
The “Più Borsa” project – conceived as a system action involving the main players in the Italian financial marketplace – may serve as a useful reference point for all interested companies.
The memorandum is the first result of the working group “Admission to listing of SMEs: incentive measures, role of markets and operators”, set up on 7 March 2012, on the proposal of several market participants and under the coordination of Consob.
The aim is to draw up proposals to assist SMEs in opening up to the venture capital market and to increase the interest of institutional investors in this category of enterprises.
The Bocconi University and the ResPublica Foundation also participated in the working group’s activities.
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