Banca Akros shareholders’ meeting press release

The Shareholders’ Meeting appoints the new Board of Directors
Graziano Tarantini and Marco Turrina confirmed as Chairman
and Chief Executive Officer, respectively.
The number of members was reduced from 11 to 9
Milan, 26 September 2012 – The Shareholders’ Meeting of Banca Akros – investment bank and private banking of the BPM Group – met today at the ordinary shareholders’ meeting and appointed the new Board of Directors.
The Shareholders’ Meeting confirmed Graziano Tarantini as Chairman and Marco Turrina as Chief Executive Officer and appointed Carlo Frascarolo and Maria Martellini as Deputy Chairmen and Maurizio Dallocchio, Iacopo De Francisco, Carlo Gagliardi, Piero Luigi Montani and Dante Razzano as Directors.
The Shareholders’ Meeting also approved the completion of the Board of Statutory Auditors as Marcello Priori, appointed Chairman, and Enrico Castoldi and Mauro Paoloni, Standing Statutory Auditors.
Banca Akros is an investment bank and private banking of the Banca Popolare di Milano group. The Bank is a key reference for institutions, companies and private individuals operating in the financial markets.
The strategy of Banca Akros is based on innovation and specialisation and on its deep-rooted domestic operations, which have been expanded over the years by a strong development of activities in all major international markets.
Banca Akros’ investment banking activities include equity and bond brokerage, trading in derivative financial instruments, listing of companies on stock exchanges, subscription and placement of equities and bonds, corporate advisory, treasury and forex desk; it also acts directly as custodian and settlement bank.
Banca Akros’ private banking includes personalised asset management, order collection for operations on international financial markets, as well as wealth management activities for its high standing private customers.
This is based on constant financial analysis of domestic and international markets.
The Chairman of Banca Akros is Graziano Tarantini, the Chief Executive Officer is Marco Turrina.
Subsidiary and associated companies:
ESN – European Securities Network LLP – London
Banca Akros is one of the founding institutions of ESN (European Securities Network LLP), the company jointly owned by 10 leading European banks and brokers, active in the trading and joint production of financial studies and analyses, strongly characterised by independence and absence of conflicts of interest, on approximately 800 European equities. ESN is a multi-local partnership with around 120 analysts and 200 sales and traders dedicated to European equity markets.
ESN North America Inc. – New York
In the USA, Banca Akros operates through ESN North America Inc., of which it owns approximately 32%, a broker-dealer based in New York and member of the National Association of Securities Dealers Inc. (NASD); this allows, among other things, operations on the NASDAQ and NYSE. ESN North America’s business is aimed at American institutional customers to whom it offers investment ideas on European equities using the research of ESN’s partners, and at European institutional customers to whom it offers an efficient order execution service on American equity markets. The other shareholders of ESN North America are France’s CM-CIC Securities (60%) and Spain’s Bankia Bolsa (8%).
Akros SGR – Akros Alternative Investments SGR S.p.A. – Milan
In 2001, Banca Akros set up Akros Alternative Investments, a hedge fund management company under Italian law. The company is wholly owned by Banca Akros.
Group S.r.l. – Milan
Group S.r.l. is the company, 14% owned by Banca Akros, which studies markets and provides services to its shareholders (seven leading Italian banking groups), with a view to their participation in corporate financing and/or the placement of financial instruments (shares and bonds) to the public. Group members have a distribution network of more than 7,000 bank branches.
Contact details
Banca Akros S.p.A.
Milan: Viale Eginardo 29, 20149 – Tel +39 02 4344 41 – Fax +39 02 4344 4300
Rome: Via Gregoriana 34, 00187 – Tel +39 06 4544 0746
Turin: Corso Galileo Ferraris 31, 10121 – Tel +39 011 1970 4715
Press contacts
Beatrice Cagnoni – Annamaria Ferrari
Weber Shandwick | Advisory
Via Spadari 7/9, Milan
Tel. +39 02 00641106