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Corporate communications

Issued directly by our bank, they take the form of a collection of annual results, achievements and changes implemented for growth.

Risultati primo semestre 2021

Results for the first half of 2021 approved by the BoD of Banca Akros

Approved the results as at 30 June 2021
Akros in vetta nei risultati Assossim I semestre 2021

Banca Akros reaffirms its leadership among brokers operating in Italy.

The report on the First Half of 2021, published by Assosim and relating to the operations of Italian and foreign member brokers during the first half of 2021, reaffirms the leadership position of Banca Akros
Akros in vetta alle classifiche

Akros tops the charts

The 48th report published by Assosim on the operations of Italian and foreign brokers joined in 2020 confirms the leadership position of Banca Akros
Our advertising campaign

Our advertising campaign

Banca Akros has created a new advertising campaign in continuity with Banco BPM's institutional advertising campaign.
Banner Akros e Tradeweb

Akros and Tradeweb

Even more advanced and competitive proprietary SABE and SABEetf systems