Corporate communications
Issued directly by our bank, they take the form of a collection of annual results, achievements and changes implemented for growth.

BANCO BPM: Ratings
Milan - Verona, 24 January 2017 – Today, following the merger between Banco Popolare and Banca Popolare di Milano, which became effective on 1 January 2017

Sace-Banca Akros (Banco BPM Group) agreement
€150 million for the international growth of excellence in the food-processing sector

Fitch Rating Review
Fitch Ratings removes theRating Watch Negative (RWN) and downgrades the ratings of Banca Akros S.p.A.

Results for the first half of 2016 approved by the BoD
The Board of Directors of Banca Akros approved the results for the first half of 2016

Banca Akros BoD approves 2015 financial year results
Net profit of €16.6 million – Common Equity Tier 1 ratio of 14.7%

What is a BAIL-IN
Directive 2014/59/EU BRRD (Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive) of the European Parliament introduces harmonised rules in all European countries to prevent and manage potential bank crises.