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Corporate communications

Issued directly by our bank, they take the form of a collection of annual results, achievements and changes implemented for growth.

Results for the first half of 2016 approved by the BoD

The Board of Directors of Banca Akros approved the results for the first half of 2016

Banca Akros BoD approves 2015 financial year results

Net profit of €16.6 million – Common Equity Tier 1 ratio of 14.7%

What is a BAIL-IN

Directive 2014/59/EU BRRD (Bank Recovery and Resolution Directive) of the European Parliament introduces harmonised rules in all European countries to prevent and manage potential bank crises.

Results for the first half of 2015 approved by the BoD

The Board of Directors of Banca Akros approved the results for the first half of 2015

Security notice

From 1 July it will only be possible to access the reserved areas with browsers that support the latest security protocols.

BoD: 2014 financial statements approved

2014 results: €17.8 million net profit (€9.8 million in 2013, +81.2%)