Banca Akros on the podium at the Italian Certificate Awards

Trust, competence and responsibility. These are the keywords of the Italian Certificate Awards ceremony, held on Tuesday 18th January at the Four Seasons Hotel in Milan.
It is a highly anticipated event, sponsored this year by Borsa Italiana, attended by the best issuers and distributors of Certificates. The prizes were awarded according to the preferences expressed by the public and then by a jury of qualified experts.
Banca Akros was ranked 2nd in the “Best Capital Protected Certificate” category, with an Equity Protection instrument on Eurostoxx 50 Low Carbon.
It is a Certificate with unconditional capital protection which has an ESG equity index as underlying, composed of European low carbon companies.
The appointment is the most important of the year for the Certificates industry and represents an opportunity to discuss the main trends in the market of Certificates, a constantly evolving financial instrument, much appreciated by the investors.
Our Group confirms to be a leading player in the Certificates market, offering a wide range of products, which allow the investor to deal with uncertainty and volatility through capital protection features.

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