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Appuntamento alle Colonne

5 events for institutional and professional investors to meet listed companies!

Visual news Italgas

Italgas successfully placed a new dual tranche bond with a total nominal value of € 1 billion. Banca Akros acted as Joint-Bookrunner

On Thursday 27 February 2025 Italgas S.p.A. marked its return to the primary bond market with a fixed rate bond divided into two tranches, with maturities of 5 and 9 years, for an amount of € 500 million each.
Visual news Ica Akros

Italian Certificates Awards 2024: Banco Bpm Group on the podium in four categories

Flexibility, innovation, training, these are the key words that guided the 18th edition of the Italian Certificate Awards (ICA), the annual award ceremony for the best Certificates, issuers and distribution networks, which was held on February 6 at Palazzo Mezzanotte in the Italian Stock Exchange.

"Together, every challenge is an opportunity": the new image of Banca Akros

"Together, every challenge is an opportunity" is the claim of the new campaign, with which Banca Akros presents itself to the market with a new image and a renewed logo.


Numbers, always up to date.

In a dedicated section, SABE envisages the possibility of viewing up-to-date daily statistics, both on the Best Execution system and on bond orders sent to regulated markets or MTFs.

Recent Deals
Società del settore noleggio
Client:Società italiana del settore noleggio
Operation:Cartolarizzazione Contratti di Noleggio
Amount:Euro 196 Mln
Role:Advisor to Senior Investor
Date:March 2024
Shedir pharma
Client:Shedir Pharma
Date:January 2025
Value:Euro 7 Mln
Enel distribuzione
Client:Enel e e-distribuzione
Date:December 2024
Activities:Sell-side advisor di Enel ed E-distribuzione nella cessione ad A2A di asset di distribuzione elettrica
Issuer:SEA – Società Esercizi Aeroportuali S.p.A.
Date:January 2025
Issue:3,500% 7Y Snr Unsecured
Amount:Euro 300 Mln
Role:Joint Bookrunner


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